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by on July 27, 2011
Based on the title of this article, I'm sure there are those of you who have already decided that I'm a bit nuts, but all I ask is that you reserve judgement until you've reached the end. Sure, based on statistics, there are more than six starting QBs in the NFL that have outpaced third year starter, Mark Sanchez. Moreover, there have been certain starts by the USC grad that have been downright awful, but here are three reasons that I'd take him over any of the Tier II quarterbacks: You hav...
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by on January 4, 2016
I've been remiss in updating this blog of late. I suppose I try (and usually fail) to follow Todd Bowles' mantra of never getting too high or too low based on the outcomes of games, records set, fan frenzies, etc. Had I taken to writing about the Jets this year, it may have whipped me into a similarly frenzied state...frothing at the mouth at the prospect of a playoff team and a "magic" season. had I been inclined to do so, today may have felt even worse than it already does. So, I approac...
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