Benz: Progress in NFL labor talks » The Office Pool
Richard Fronapfel
by on July 16, 2011
<span class="js_view_more_parent"><span class="js_view_more_part"><font size=5 color=#820000><b>We're SOOOO close to having Football back!!!</b></font> But...the two sides are still pretty far apart on a couple of issues: * Health and Security - This is a ke...<span class="item_view_more"><a href="#" onclick="$(this).parents('.js_view_more_parent:first').find('.js_view_more_part').hide(); $(this).parents('.js_view_more_parent:first').find('.js_view_more_full').show(); return false;">View More</a></span></span><span class="js_view_more_full" style="display:none;"><font size=5 color=#820000><b>We're SOOOO close to having Football back!!!</b></font> But...the two sides are still pretty far apart on a couple of issues: * Health and Security - This is a key issue for the players, as they want much better conditions protecting players especially in the off-season. It means less practice time and less mandatory time on OTA's (so I'm sure coaches will be a tad upset, it the Players' Union gets its way on this one. *Right of First Refusal clause This is a big one for owners. Basically, Teams with free agents will be able to match offers for ANY free agent signing. I'm sure the Union will not bend on this one. I'm with the players on both. The NFL is a huge money-maker, and owners are getting scared. All 32 franchises are in the top 50 money-makers, so the owners really can't afford to have any games missed....even pre-season. More to come at <font size=4><font color=#000376>The</font><font color=#820000>OfficePool</font><font color=#00376>.com</font></font> Stay Tuned<div class="item_view_more"><a href="#" onclick="$(this).parents('.js_view_more_parent:first').find('.js_view_more_full').hide(); $(this).parents('.js_view_more_parent:first').find('.js_view_more_part').show(); return false;">View Less</a></div></span></span>
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