Welcome to TheOfficePool.com » The Office Pool
December 7, 2010
We've been working hard to give you much more than a place to host your pools!
<b>WELCOME BACK!!!</b><br><br>
Welcome to the new release (2.0) of theofficepool.com. The new feature set is robust, and gives you the ability to communicate with pool members, friends and teammates in real time.<br><br>
Upload photos, add a quiz or a poll. There's no limit to what you can do.
Make sure to check the <a href="http://www.theofficepool.com/Social/terms/">Terms of Service</a> and update your <a href="http://www.theofficepool.com/Social/index.php?do=/user/setting/">Account Settings</a> and <a href="http://www.theofficepool.com/Social/index.php?do=/user/privacy/">Privacy Settings</a> to customize your experience.
We're anxious to hear your feedback!!!!
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