Argo Trailer (2012) » The Office Pool
Richard Fronapfel
by on January 16, 2013
<span class="js_view_more_parent"><span class="js_view_more_part">Argo Trailer (2012). November 4th, 1979. As the Iranian revolution reaches a boiling point, a CIA exfiltration specialist concocts a risky plan to free six American hostages.<span class="item_view_more"><a href="#" onclick="$(this).parents('.js_view_more_parent:first').find('.js_view_more_part').hide(); $(this).parents('.js_view_more_parent:first').find('.js_view_more_full').show(); return false;">View More</a></span></span><span class="js_view_more_full" style="display:none;">Argo Trailer (2012). November 4th, 1979. As the Iranian revolution reaches a boiling point, a CIA exfiltration specialist concocts a risky plan to free six American hostages.
Argo Trailer (2012). The movie, directed by Ben Affleck and starring Bryan Cranston, John Goodman, Alan Arkin and Ben Affleck opens October 12, 2012.<div class="item_view_more"><a href="#" onclick="$(this).parents('.js_view_more_parent:first').find('.js_view_more_full').hide(); $(this).parents('.js_view_more_parent:first').find('.js_view_more_part').show(); return false;">View Less</a></div></span></span>
Posted in: Oscars
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